Hieromonk Fr. Euphrosyne: Do not listen to the devil through all those who tell you not to speak. Posted on April 12, 2020 Orthodox Confessional speech by Agiotafitis Hieromonk Fr. Euphrosyne, guardian of the Tomb of the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem.

Hieromonk Fr. Euphrosyne: Do not listen to the devil through all those who tell you not to speak. Posted on April 12, 2020 Orthodox Confessional speech by Agiotafitis Hieromonk Fr. Euphrosyne, guardian of the Tomb of the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem.
TRANSLATED BY JOURNALIST- AUTHOR SOFIA KIOROGLOU You asked me about how I see things at this time and what should be the attitude of every faithful Christian. And I say not my opinion, but what the Holy Gospel and all the Holy Fathers and the Saints say in general say. Let us be careful not to be deceived, because many at this time, especially in the last years, will deceive many, even the chosen ones, he tells us. The devil will deceive, that is, perhaps great names of High Priests, spirituals, monks who have the reputation of saints in many people. And we are already seeing this happen. We saw the great fall of the High Priests, of the Synod, who helped to close the Temples. How terrible! For the first time, these days, the holy days, quickly for the sake of health, they closed our churches. While never, in any case do the Temples close and in fact in such a fascist way. And the people of God are never excluded from the Mystery of the Divine Eucharist which is the food of our soul but also from the Mystery of the Holy Confession which is the bath of the soul. Well. Let us not hear the voice of the devil through all these people who say "do not talk, do not bother, do not judge, it shows selfishness, it is extreme, it is jealousy" and various other things. This is the voice of the devil. We must be vigilant as Christ says, because the Lord did not come to make such worldly peace as he tells us in the Gospel, but he came to bring and he even likes separation and division as he tells us, division. In a house the faithful father will be divided from the children or the children from the father. The mother, as she says, from the bride, from the mother-in-law. I will add, and the spiritual father now of the spiritual children, if he does not stand up to the Gospel and the circumstances. Because all this, that is, our obedience, is meant to be done to the spirituals and to the High Priests when they obey the word of God. When they do not correct the word of God we can no longer trust them. Of course we honor them, we do not run here and there to make rebellions, to do things indiscriminately and without awareness of zeal… zeal, that is, fanaticism… but their fall is great, we tell them, we isolate them now. We support ordinary priests. And you, all of us, have a responsibility to run to confess to the bishops that there are some who will have something in them. Although they were scared, they showed cowardice, but they have something in them and we must push them, ask for a blessing to open the Churches, not to obey the orders of these idiots (?). That must be our attitude. But they generally need public repentance for what they did. And we do not listen to them, nor their sermons, what they say to various other elders and spirituals, are misleading. Christ always in His Church, in His preaching, in His Gospel, speaks of the correct confession. We remember on the Cross these days that the High Priests betrayed Him. The High Priests collaborated in crucifixion. The Jews, the mob that was shouting to crucify him. So do not become like them or even like Pilate as many say, I hear, you have the responsibility, we do not take responsibility if they catch you, if they make you. This is the position of Pontius Pilate. We must not be with them, nor with this mob, but with the chosen souls. What are the chosen souls? These Myrrh-bearers who had courage, who ran to the memory while [there] were soldiers. Και Joseph and Nicodemus, the deputies who were hidden in fear but dared to go to Pilate and ask, told the truth. Look, then they appeared. Courage is now manifested in the difficult. Each captain reveals if he is good at the storm. Well, let's not sit inside. They are blessed, the Saints. And all the Saints. Let us not forget, Agios Georgios, Agios Dimitrios, the Great Martyrs - Agios Dimitrios secretly did the catechism - the Holy Confessors, the Prophets, the New Martyrs, the National Martyrs of Cyprus. Lads who did not count their lives… for the truth. They did not count their lives, so let us not be with those who say do not bother. This is misleading. But let us fight humbly, let us set an example of confession. Humble, with distinction, brazenly and let us become centers of consolation to give courage to everyone, that it will pass quickly but the wreaths are knitted for the fighters. I had these as general thoughts, because I see this situation and now it is revealed what everyone is. So let's be careful. Those we held very high can be seen falling. And all of us to stand humbly with unceasing prayer, repentance but also acts of repentance - because repentance is seen in practice - so that we too can claim to be with the portion of the chosen souls, as well as the robber, whom everyone confessed. God wants a good confession. With humility and courage to be vouchsafed to witness Christ's Resurrection forever and and the Devil's routing. Amen.
